Hi, my name is Mark Taylor and I'm the host and creator of the Education on Fire podcast.
This podcast is here to inspire you as a teacher, parent or mentor. To enable you to support and nurture children to live, learn and grow to their full potential.
At Education on Fire you can discover the best child centred learning experiences from around the world, surround yourself with the best educators and join a community of likeminded people.
Let's help children to be inquisitive, to explore and engage fully with their life.
If your child enjoys music you support them by providing music lessons. If their interest is sport you find them a team or club to join.
But what about other important areas of life?
Community, finance, health, fitness, wellbeing, empathy, gratitude, coaching, mentorship, culture, subject learning tools, self empowerment or working as a team.
We are here to support you with it all.
Listen to the podcast, join our Facebook community and let's learn and support each other.
"Mark was incredible to speak with. His knowledge, understanding, and big picture view of education will transform your thinking around education. You can sense his empathetic and optimistic view of people and the capabilities each has in our society.
Highly recommend Mark to anyone in education."
Jon - Teach Financial Literacy
"More than just a podcast.
Mark opens the educational doors so that those in the profession can come together as a community and learn from one another. The guests and lessons shared are inspiring change across the airwaves. Tune in for ideas from real Educators on how to do great things in your own school TODAY!"
Gretchen Schultek - USA

My background
My passion is music and I am a professional percussionist and educator.
My wife and I have 3 children and this 'hands on' knowledge of schools encouraged me to become Vice Chair of National Association for Primary Education.
My mission
I want children to feel that they can achieve anything in their lives.
The insights I am able to share through the podcasts I hope will provide a glimmer of truth and understanding for listeners to follow their hearts in supporting children to follow their dreams.
"Makes me a better mother -
I'm not a teacher in traditional senses, but I am a mother of 2 children who I am called to raise and train up in this world. I'm a firm believer that I am also their teacher, but without knowledge/training would get frustrated trying to teach my kids. I came to this podcast to get help and to better teach my children and I've been seeing amazing results using these strategies. Thank you so much for making me a better mom, will continue to listen!"
Noelbrianna - United States