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Posts by Mark Taylor

Children’s books on Climate Change and Ocean Plastics – NAPE 071

Ellie Jackson is the bestselling children’s author of the Wild Tribe Heroes series of true environmental books for primary children. Each book follows a well loved animal as it gets into trouble due to an environmental issue such as ocean plastic, deforestation or climate change. Free teaching resources and curriculum maps support the books for each key stage.

Ellie is a teacher and mother of four from Cornwall who is passionate about inspiring the next generation to protect our planet.


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The National Association for Primary Education speaks for young children and all who live and work with them. Get a FREE e-copy of their professional journal at

210: The Resilience Project with David Gumbrell

Recruitment, Retention and Resilience are intertwined and have become the new Three Rs. If we accept that Recruitment is hard, then Retention becomes that much more important. If Retention is hard, then Resilience becomes the key. Put simply, we need to start more conversations in school about well-being and Resilience. Luckily, The Resilience Project can do just that and can provide you with multiple ways to start this vital dialogue.

David Gumbrell is an author and speaker on resilience and well-being. He has been a teacher in Surrey for over 20 years, in five different schools across the county. He has worked his way up from NQT to Headship, holding positions of responsibility, including NQT mentoring, along the way. Throughout his career, he always endeavoured to develop a team, to nurture an individual teacher’s career and to protect the well-being of children and staff. The Resilience Project is a natural progression to this and David now offers you a diverse range of opportunities to get a conversation on resilience started in your school or context.



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Resources Mentioned

Chimp Paradox

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The National Association for Primary Education speaks for young children and all who live and work with them. Get a FREE e-copy of their professional journal at

As rich in humanity as in knowledge – NAPE 070

Following the success of our conference on 6th March 2021 – Towards a Balanced and Broadly Based Curriculum – Dr. Tony Eaude has a follow up conversation with presenter Clare Whyles (Deputy Head) and Tina Farr (Headteacher) of St Ebb’s C of E (Aided) Primary School.

St Ebb’s have been on a journey which has seen their curriculum transformed. We get to hear the ideas, aims, successes and struggles involved in doing this which we hope can provide insight, inspiration and understanding of what is possible.

You can listen to Dr. Tony Eaude’s Schiller Lecture and the follow up Q&A on episodes 65 & 66 of the nape podcast:

To keep up to date with all of our events and get a FREE e-copy of our professional journal Primary First please visit:

209: Nurture Resilience, Empathy & Global Citizenship with Lyfta

Lyfta is an award-winning immersive learning platform where teachers can easily build or curate powerful, interactive and curriculum-aligned lessons that bring learning to life.

Lyfta helps educators to engage and inspire digitally-native children and young people; foster critical skills and values for navigating our changing world; and broaden horizons by giving children and young people opportunities to see beyond their everyday realities.

Lyfta offers a series of immersive learning environments called storyworlds, where students can explore real life human stories through stunning 360° environments, high quality films and digital content.

The interactivity and immersive nature of the content, the powerful human stories, and the carefully designed tasks and activities, combine to create truly unique, compelling and impactful learning experiences.

Serdar Ferit Co-CEO and Co-Founder is a filmmaker, digital experience designer, and teacher who has won numerous awards and worked in over 20 countries on film, new media and education projects. As an early adopter of 360 degree storytelling and Virtual Reality (VR), in 2010 Serdar learned how to take and construct 360 degree film and images and has been working on immersive stories using this medium ever since.


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Leanne Millingen is a year 4 teacher at Manor Park Primary, part of the LEO Academy Trust.

Leanne explains the numerous ways she uses Lyfta with her school and LEO Trust. This ranges from immersive themed activities to the ongoing nurturing of the global citizens of tomorrow.

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The National Association for Primary Education speaks for young children and all who live and work with them. Get a FREE e-copy of their professional journal at

Rethinking the Curriculum with Jonathan Lear – NAPE 069

Described as having a breathtaking understanding of how to engage even the hardest to reach of children, Jonathan has established a reputation for delivering inspiring and creative inset both in the U.K. and internationally.

He has worked for many years on the kind of compelling and inspirational teaching strategies that lead to incredible outcomes and is still in the thick of it as the deputy head at a large inner city primary school in Sheffield. Jonathan has also shared his passion for learning through his role as an Advanced Skills Teacher, Lead Teacher for Sheffield Local Authority, and associate of Ian Gilbert’s Independent Thinking company.

Jonathan is passionate about working with schools to create learning opportunities that are designed not just to impart knowledge, but also to engage, inspire, and most importantly, make children think.

The National Association for Primary Education speaks for young children and all who live and work with them. Get a FREE e-copy of their professional journal at

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