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Posts by Mark Taylor

Education on Fire Named Best Educational Podcast 2021


I’m delighted to announce that Education on Fire has made the shortlist of Learning Ladders’ ‘Best Educational Podcast 2021’ awards.

We were shortlisted alongside 46 other podcasts from a long list of over 100 entries, for our dedication to providing useful, actionable and credible advice to educators.

The awards panel featured teachers, school leaders, and EdTech entrepreneurs including Learning Ladders’ founder, Matt Koster-Marcon, who is also Chair of the EdTech Special Interest Group at BESA.

For busy teachers, podcasts are increasingly a great CPD resource, providing inspiration, entertainment, and new ways of thinking about education.

We’re proud to be included in the list, and would also like to congratulate the other shortlisted podcasts for their incredible work.

Visit the full list of recommended podcasts, which cover topics such as EdTech, EYFS, and SEND, to read our full entry.

198: 8billionideas with David Harkin

David is Founder and CEO of 8billionideas which exists to give every student the skills and belief to change the world. 8billionideas teaches children what they don’t learn in school by providing online live experiences and mentoring around the clock.

8billionideas helps children to lead a more fulfilling life and passion led career, and ultimately change the world. 8billionideas is one of twenty organisations that will be featured by St James’ Palace in 2021 in their publication on ‘Leadership and Innovation – For the next 300 years’, because of their forward thinking approach to education.

David is an entrepreneur, a proud 2x TEDx speaker and author who is passionate about making sure students have the skills that they really need in the future to be happy, successful and change the world.

Prior to 8billionideas, David created 7billionideas which was an award winning education organisation recognised by the Times Educational Supplement and COBIS on a global scale. The education arm of worked with over 100,000 students in 500+ schools in the UK and across the world including Dubai, Hong Kong, Thailand, Indonesia, Australia and Europe. Because of these achievements, he was recently a finalist at the UK Business Awards in the category of ‘Entrepreneur of the Year’.

At the start of 2020, he co-founded a movement known as #UnlockingEducation having thought provoking discussions around the future of education and is pleased to announce his latest position as a FED (Foundation of Education Development) Council Member.


Social Media Information

Twitter – @davidjharkin

LinkedIn –

Show Sponsor

Xientifica SOS, written by Daniel Phelps, is a unique children’s adventure for young people aged 8-12–adult. It’s ‘Where science meets adventure’. It’s not a science book, it is a children’s adventure novel which has science in it.’

Xientifica SOS provides a perfect platform for discussions and encourages children to ask questions, so is not only ideal for lone-reading or as a class book, but perfect for home schooling too.

Xientifica SOS can be bought on Amazon and is available on Kindle or in paperback 

Go to Amazon – or to find out more (and listen to extracts from the book) – go to (with an X)…X I E N T I F I C A


Twitter @xientifica

Show Sponsor

The National Association for Primary Education speaks for young children and all who live and work with them. Get a FREE e-copy of their professional journal at

197: Innovation School with David Miller

David Miller is Director of the Innovation School at Kelvinside Academy. David has had a long career in education and in 2008 was the recipient of the Guardian Award for UK Teacher of the Year. In the same year, he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of the Arts and made a National Teaching Fellow of the UK Teaching Awards.

Since 2008, David has been a consultant with BBC Learning and a Judge for the UK Teaching Awards, the Scottish Education Awards, for the Institute of Ideas – Debating Matters. David is a Visiting Fellow on the Masters in Teaching and Learning for Edgehill University, and a Visiting Tutor to postgraduate students of Glasgow University’s Faculty of Education.

David has been a Lead Researcher on an EU Lifelong Learning Programme looking at Digital Storytelling and the use of emerging technologies in the English Classroom.

In 2012, David was head-hunted to act as Chief Learning Architect for a Kuato Studios, building educational games that utilised next generation Artificial Intelligence. The games went on to win a number of international accolades, including a special mention at President Obama’s final Science Fair in 2016.

In, 2018, David became Director of the Innovation School at Kelvinside – a unique partnership with NuVu in Cambridge, Massachusetts.


Questions asked on the Learning on Fire Podcast Interview

1. Who are you?

2. What does your life look like now and how is it different from when you were growing up?

3. What was valuable about your school experience?

4. Which teachers do you remember and why?

5. Who did you admire when you were young?

6. What was it about that person that had such an impact?

7. What was the best piece of advice you have ever been given and who gave it to you?

8. What advice would you give your younger self?

9. What does your future look like?

10. What podcast, book, video, film, song or other resource has had the biggest impact on your life and why?




Social media information 

Twitter: @davidmiller_uk


Resources mentioned

Sparky’s Magic Piano

Lord of the Flies – William Golding

The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock – T.S Eliot

196: Broad and balanced curriculum Q&A with Dr. Tony Eaude

Towards a balanced and broadly-based curriculum was the theme of the National Association for Primary Education conference in March 2021. The keynote lecture was given by Dr. Tony Eaude.

This is a follow up Q&A that I hosted and taken from a subsequent Facebook live event. NAPE has been a long term supporter of the Education on Fire podcast and I have been involved with the association for over 5 years, the last 18 months as vice chair. I thought this discussion was very insightful and wanted to give you the opportunity to hear it.

The original full lecture can be found on the NAPE YouTube channel at

Tony suggested four main arguments for a balanced and broadly-based primary curriculum:

  • that the law states that schools must offer this (as it does) and that Ofsted expect this (at least from 7 years old);
  • one based on how children create coherent, robust and flexible identities, enhancing their well-being and founded on a sense of agency;
  • one based on a conception of democratic citizenship in which children are increasingly enabled to deal with complex ideas right from the start; and
  • a social justice one that such a curriculum will open up opportunities from which many children, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds, will otherwise be excluded.

Questions & comments from conference delegates

Retired Headteacher

  • Dr Eaude’s argument for a balanced and broadly based curriculum is compelling. Moving forwards, is it possible for schools to work with the current National Curriculum Framework to achieve this? 
  • Do Academies, rather than Local Authority schools, have the most potential and freedom to develop such curriculum experiences?
  • Where (in England) is curriculum innovation to be found at present?
  • What is the National Association of Primary Education’s role in this argument?

As a student in my final year of an undergraduate course, I am currently working on an assignment about my own educational philosophy which very much aligns with Dr. Eaude’s Schiller speech. Embarking into my NQT year in September I know the best way to change this is starting in my own classroom. However big questions arise with that:

  • What can I do beyond that? If there is not enough support or like-minded colleagues,
  • How can I reach out to ensure this way of teaching the curriculum is opened up on to all the children in the community?
  • Where can I find more support?

For more information about Dr. Tony Eaude please visit his website

More information about NAPE is available at

To find out more about Christian Schiller HMI please click on the link below​

The Schiller Book, published by NAPE, ‘In His Own Words’, can be purchased for only £5.

The full lecture can be found on the NAPE YouTube channel at

A balanced and broadly based curriculum Q&A with Dr.Tony Eaude – NAPE 066

Towards a balanced and broadly-based curriculum was the theme of the National Association for Primary Education conference in March 2021. The keynote lecture was given by Dr. Tony Eaude.

This is a follow up Q&A taken from a subsequent Facebook live event.

Tony suggested four main arguments for a balanced and broadly-based primary curriculum:

  • that the law states that schools must offer this (as it does) and that Ofsted expect this (at least from 7 years old);
  • one based on how children create coherent, robust and flexible identities, enhancing their well-being and founded on a sense of agency;
  • one based on a conception of democratic citizenship in which children are increasingly enabled to deal with complex ideas right from the start; and
  • a social justice one that such a curriculum will open up opportunities from which many children, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds, will otherwise be excluded.

Questions & comments from our delegates

Retired Headteacher

  • Dr Eaude’s argument for a balanced and broadly based curriculum is compelling. Moving forwards, is it possible for schools to work with the current National Curriculum Framework to achieve this? 
  • Do Academies, rather than Local Authority schools, have the most potential and freedom to develop such curriculum experiences?
  • Where (in England) is curriculum innovation to be found at present?
  • What is the National Association of Primary Education’s role in this argument?

As a student in my final year of an undergraduate course, I am currently working on an assignment about my own educational philosophy which very much aligns with Dr. Eaude’s Schiller speech. Embarking into my NQT year in September I know the best way to change this is starting in my own classroom. However big questions arise with that:

  • What can I do beyond that? If there is not enough support or like-minded colleagues,
  • How can I reach out to ensure this way of teaching the curriculum is opened up on to all the children in the community?
  • Where can I find more support?

For more information about Dr. Tony Eaude please visit his website

More information about NAPE is available at

To find out more about Christian Schiller HMI please click on the link below

The Schiller Book, published by NAPE, ‘In His Own Words’, can be purchased for only £5.

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