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Posts by Mark Taylor


NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR PRIMARY EDUCATION in collaboration with HUMANITIES 20:20 Project and PRIMARY UMBRELLA GROUP present a virtual twilight conference:


Virtual Conference – Monday 8th March 2021, 4.15pm-6.45pm

The Conference, embracing a theme which has always been central to debate about children’s entitlements, has been highlighted by OfSTED as critical in curriculum development and its central importance has been further accentuated by the pressures under which primary schools are working in the post-lockdown phase as they prioritise what is perceived as essential in educational recovery.

The impact of the coronavirus pandemic on children’s education may be perceived as a justification for narrowing the curriculum at the expense of the arts and the humanities, but this conference will explore the case for preserving young children’s entitlement to as rich and diverse a curriculum as possible. Dr. Eaude’s keynote lecture will set the scene, highlighting some key issues and considering some lessons to be learnt from the period of lockdown. The subsequent presentations will focus on classroom practice, providing a spotlight on innovations which have been implemented in school and offering guidance for the future.

All are most welcome at this event, including teachers, teacher assistants, governors and students and it’s our hope that the conference will play its part in bringing together a range of stakeholders in primary education, all with a commitment to enhancing children’s entitlement to a balanced and broadly-based curriculum.


SCHEDULE: 4.15PM – 6.45PM

4.15pm – Welcome followed by

Keynote lecture – Dr Tony Eaude

Why a balanced and broadly-based curriculum matters – particularly for young children and those from disadvantaged backgrounds  

Dr. Eaude has published widely on a range of educational topics extending from pedagogy in the classroom to children’s moral, social and cultural development, earning himself the reputation as one of the most articulate and enlightened voices in the primary sector. His most recent book (2020), Identity, Culture and Belonging: Educating Young Children for a Changing World, characteristically draws on his wealth of teaching experience in the primary school, including headship and his insights into the changing contexts for schooling and children’s development.


5.15pm –  Presentations A & B (Attendees will be ask to choose A or B when booking)

A. Social action in the Primary School – Envisioning a better future for all:  The presentation will address the variety of ways in which social action is embedded in the curriculum and how the children are encouraged to become critical, active and engaged learners who understand and embrace their responsibilities as citizens to promote equality, social justice and change. – Naheeda Maharasingham, Head of Rathfern Primary School, Lewisham

B. Developing a curriculum as rich in humanity as in knowledge:  The team will be sharing their thinking, principles and planning processes around the development of a curriculum which is as rich in humanity as it is in knowledge. Featured in her latest book, A Curriculum of Hope, our work with Dr. Debra Kidd, has developed our planning around inquiry questions which engage children of all ages in deep thinking about the past, present and future of our planet, with compassionate studies of its human inhabitants. In a nutshell, it is a curriculum designed to empower our learners to change the world.  Clare Whyles, Deputy Head of St Ebbe’s Primary School, Oxford 

6.00pm – Presentations C & D (Attendees will be ask to choose C or D when booking)

C. Beyond Teaching; Experiencing a Purposeful Curriculum:  The focus is centred around the breadth of the curriculum through the experiences children are given in and out of school using a variety of initiatives that reflect the school community such as: Umbrella Curriculum Teams, Pupil Leadership Groups, school Values, whole school and community based projects. – Rachel Ford, Head of Bannockburn Primary School, Royal Borough of Greenwich

D. Exploring History through the local : This seminar will explore ways in which ‘the local’ can be used to inspire and sustain learning. It will consider a sense of community and identity and how we can ensure that children, their families and community are reflected in the history curriculum that we offer. – Alison Hales, Senior Lecturer in Education, University of Greenwich

 6.40pm – Concluding remarks



Zoom Online Event – Monday 8th March 2021, 4.15pm-6.45pm

CONFERENCE FEE – Includes Keynote Lecture and 2 Presentations.

£10 per individual or £50 for 5 or more staff members from a school.

FREE for students

187: Teach Financial Literacy with Jon Alvarado

Jon Alvarado, founder of Teach Financial Literacy has created a lifetime financial literacy course designed to break barriers for low-income students and families.

Jon spent 10 years teaching math at a school with 80% free and reduce lunch students and two years teaching financial literacy at a school with 70% free and reduced lunch students.  

During that time, he taught over 2000 students using video instruction to help meet the needs and barriers of many of his students.

Coming from a family of poverty, Jon understands the challenges and barriers poverty presents mentally, emotionally, and financially. Jon can help your students and families with important financial literacy topics that will help them become college and career ready.

 Jon believes there’s a better way reach families and students outside of school.  And this is why Teach Financial Literacy was created. 

Have you ever asked yourself any of the questions below? If so, see if Jon can help.

  • I don’t even know where to look for financial literacy resources for students and their families?
  • How can I encourage students and families that everything they learn in financial literacy will impact them every day?
  • How can I get more students college and career ready?
  • Will anyone understand the challenges low income students and families face?

Click to listen to my interview with Nikki Rausch

If you would like to support the Education on Fire GoFundMe campaign to create a valuable resource for our children based on the wisdom of our inspiring guests please click below.

Show Sponsor

The National Association for Primary Education has an online conference on 8th March 2021 entitled:


Virtual Conference – Monday 8th March 2021, 4.15pm-6.45pm

The Conference, embracing a theme which has always been central to debate about children’s entitlements, has been highlighted by OfSTED as critical in curriculum development and its central importance has been further accentuated by the pressures under which primary schools are working in the post-lockdown phase as they prioritise what is perceived as essential in educational recovery.

The impact of the coronavirus pandemic on children’s education may be perceived as a justification for narrowing the curriculum at the expense of the arts and the humanities, but this conference will explore the case for preserving young children’s entitlement to as rich and diverse a curriculum as possible. Dr. Eaude’s keynote lecture will set the scene, highlighting some key issues and considering some lessons to be learnt from the period of lockdown. The subsequent presentations will focus on classroom practice, providing a spotlight on innovations which have been implemented in school and offering guidance for the future.

All are most welcome at this event, including teachers, teacher assistants, governors and students and it’s our hope that the conference will play its part in bringing together a range of stakeholders in primary education, all with a commitment to enhancing children’s entitlement to a balanced and broadly-based curriculum.

To book or find out more

186: What is happening for me? with Lucia Giovannini

Lucia Giovannini is world renowned sensation, former international Italian supermodel – turned transformational speaker and author of 13 books.

Her 25 years of inspiring work through conferences & workshops globally has been inspired by growing up throughout different parts of Italy and Africa, immersed in the beauty and the pain of those unforgettable lands. Her work crafts a synergy between traditional psychological techniques, motivational practices and ancient eastern rituals that turn her seminars into profound experiences for the audiences in Asia + Europe alike.

Lucia has been defined “the Italian Louise Hay” by prestigious media like Marie France Asia, The times of India and La Stampa, transforming audiences through her teachings, workshops, retreats, meditations, & books globally through overcoming limiting beliefs and fears to live a whole new life.

Lucia Giovannini’s internationally acclaimed book A Whole New Life, which has been translated into more than 8 languages globally, is available also in the English, in the US and worldwide, by Post Hill Press, a Simon & Schuster imprint.

Coherent with her personal philosophy, Lucia has a passionate advocacy for animal rights and veganism as a way of life. She lives with her husband Nicola, and her dog Caligola between Bali, Thailand, and Italy.

Lucia is a Doctor in Psychology and Counselling and a Bachelor in Psycho-Anthropology, an international affiliate of the American Psychology Association.

Questions asked on the podcast:

1. Who are you?

2. What does your life look like now and how is it different from when you were growing up?

3. What was valuable about your school experience?

4. Which teachers do you remember and why?

5. Who did you admire when you were young?

6. What was it about that person that had such an impact?

7. What was the best piece of advice you have ever been given and who gave it to you?

8. What advice would you give your younger self?

9. What does your future look like?

10. What podcast, book, video, film, song or other resource has had the biggest impact on your life and why?




Social media information


Resources mentioned

The Beatles

Autobiography of a Yogi – Paramahansa Yogananda


Hygiene and health in schools with Essity – NAPE 059

Essity is a global leader in hygiene and health. Since 2017 they have been actively working to improve hygiene and health standards and education within UK schools.

National Association for Primary Education started working in collaboration with Essity in 2018 to highlight and support this venture.

‘With our partners we collaborate in gathering knowledge and insights, using our different perspectives, collective competences and resources, to find solutions to societal challenges and drive global change in for example raising hygiene and health standards, thereby improving well-being and the lives of millions worldwide.

In 2018 we educated about 2.5 million people about hygiene and health, including teaching children the importance of hand hygiene, young women about puberty as well as educating people and staff at nursing homes about incontinence.’

The National Association for Primary Education has an online conference on 8th March 2021 entitled:


Virtual Conference – Monday 8th March 2021, 4.15pm-6.45pm

The Conference, embracing a theme which has always been central to debate about children’s entitlements, has been highlighted by OfSTED as critical in curriculum development and its central importance has been further accentuated by the pressures under which primary schools are working in the post-lockdown phase as they prioritise what is perceived as essential in educational recovery.

The impact of the coronavirus pandemic on children’s education may be perceived as a justification for narrowing the curriculum at the expense of the arts and the humanities, but this conference will explore the case for preserving young children’s entitlement to as rich and diverse a curriculum as possible. Dr. Eaude’s keynote lecture will set the scene, highlighting some key issues and considering some lessons to be learnt from the period of lockdown. The subsequent presentations will focus on classroom practice, providing a spotlight on innovations which have been implemented in school and offering guidance for the future.

All are most welcome at this event, including teachers, teacher assistants, governors and students and it’s our hope that the conference will play its part in bringing together a range of stakeholders in primary education, all with a commitment to enhancing children’s entitlement to a balanced and broadly-based curriculum.

To book or find out more

185: Computer Based Maths with Conrad Wolfram

Conrad Wolfram – Strategic Director and European CEO/Co-Founder, Wolfram Research Conrad Wolfram, physicist, mathematician and technologist, is Strategic Director and European Co-Founder/CEO of Wolfram – the “math company” behind Mathematica, Wolfram Language and Wolfram|Alpha (which powers knowledge answers for Apple’s Siri) for over 30 years.

Wolfram pioneers new approaches to data science and computation-based development, with technology and consulting solutions that drive innovation in analytics, software development and modelling. Working with start-ups to Fortune 500 companies, it spans industries as diverse as medicine, finance and telecoms.

Conrad is recognised as a thought leader in AI, data science and computation, pioneering a multiparadigm data science approach.

Conrad is also a leading advocate for a fundamental shift of math education to become computer-based or alternatively introduce a new core subject of computational thinking. He founded and to fundamentally fix math education for the AI age – rebuilding the curriculum assuming computers exist. The movement is now a worldwide force in re-engineering the STEM curriculum. His groundbreaking book ‘The Math(s) Fix – an education blueprint for the AI age’ was released on 10th June 2020 Conrad regularly appears in the media to talk about subjects ranging from decisions and data science to 21st century education. He attended Eton College and holds degrees in Natural Sciences and Math from the University of Cambridge.

If you would like to support the Education on Fire GoFundMe campaign to create a valuable resource for our children based on the wisdom of our inspiring guests please click below.

Show Sponsor

The National Association for Primary Education has an online conference on 8th March 2021 entitled:


Virtual Conference – Monday 8th March 2021, 4.15pm-6.45pm

The Conference, embracing a theme which has always been central to debate about children’s entitlements, has been highlighted by OfSTED as critical in curriculum development and its central importance has been further accentuated by the pressures under which primary schools are working in the post-lockdown phase as they prioritise what is perceived as essential in educational recovery.

The impact of the coronavirus pandemic on children’s education may be perceived as a justification for narrowing the curriculum at the expense of the arts and the humanities, but this conference will explore the case for preserving young children’s entitlement to as rich and diverse a curriculum as possible. Dr. Eaude’s keynote lecture will set the scene, highlighting some key issues and considering some lessons to be learnt from the period of lockdown. The subsequent presentations will focus on classroom practice, providing a spotlight on innovations which have been implemented in school and offering guidance for the future.

All are most welcome at this event, including teachers, teacher assistants, governors and students and it’s our hope that the conference will play its part in bringing together a range of stakeholders in primary education, all with a commitment to enhancing children’s entitlement to a balanced and broadly-based curriculum.

To book or find out more

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