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Posts by Mark Taylor

172: What was the best piece of advice you have ever been given? Ep 2

What do you think is the most important advice you could give your children so they can grow up to be the best version of themselves?

This bonus episode is a compilation of responses to that question from my guests 10-19 who appeared on the Learning on Fire Podcast.

This podcast had some wonderful conversations around 10 set questions:

1. Who are you?

2. What does your life look like now and how is it different from when you were growing up?

3. What was valuable about your school experience?

4. Which teachers do you remember and why?

5. Who did you admire when you were young?

6. What was it about that person that had such an impact?

7. What was the best piece of advice you have ever been given and who gave it to you?

8. What advice would you give your younger self?

9. What does your future look like?

10. What podcast, book, video, film, song or other resource has had the biggest impact on your life and why?

We are not producing any new shows for Learning on Fire but wanted to make sure you had the opportunity to hear some of these inspiring people share their story. Click the link below for the full collection playlist.

The development of handwriting skills

The world famous Christopher Jarman Handwriting Skills book has just been updated. This is designed for teachers and parents working with their children at home. The book contains handwriting exercises, exemplar pages and fun facts about the history of handwriting.

This resource is from our sponsor National Association for Primary Education.

Order from the National Office for £30 including post and packing or £25 if you are a NAPE member. All details can be found at

171: Dyslexia awareness and how technology can help

Aimee Cave is a current practising SENDCO in East Yorkshire with sustained experience of creating good provision in her school, including orchestrating the school becoming the first ADHD friendly school in Yorkshire. She also runs her own SEND Consultancy business. Aimee has completed her NASENCO Award, is an Accredited Attachment Lead and has been trained by Whole School SEND in supporting other schools to review and improve their SEND provision.

As part of her work in school Aimee started using (and then working with) Lexplore Analytics.

Lexplore Analytics combine the latest in both AI and eye-tracking technology with the “human touch” of good teachers. By analysing correlations and patterns in eye movement data, our machine learning models are able to quickly and objectively determine reading attainment. Some of these patterns might even elude most human beings or other computer programmes, therefore, their introduction into the classroom can help offer teachers an entirely different perspective when it comes to reading, as well providing the valuable information needed in minutes.

@LexploreUK (Twitter)

@lexploreuk (Instagram)

Lexplore Analytics UK (Facebook)

If you would like to support our GoFundMe campaign to create a valuable resource for our children based on the wisdom of our inspiring guests please click below.

Show Sponsor

The National Association for Primary Education speaks for young children and all who live and work with them. This includes parents, teachers, governors and all those interested in primary education. Get their FREE professional journal at

Youth Climate Summit

The Youth Climate Summit 2020 is being brought to you through the collaboration of a large group of individuals and organisations. We would like to thank all of them for their hard work in making this happen.

Time is already running out to tackle the climate and ecological emergency. Unlike world leaders, young people are refusing to let it drop off their agenda.

Schools from around the UK will be coming together for the Youth Climate Summit during what would have been the week of COP26 to take action to create a more just, sustainable world and make commitments and pledges for the planet.

What is the Youth Climate Summit?

The Youth Climate Summit is an engaging, free and accessible week of climate action and discovery for schools, with events hosted online throughout the week. The Youth Mock COP is running at the same time, and the Youth Climate Summit will complement and feed into this.  

The Youth Climate Summit is coordinated by environmental charity Global Action Plan and aims to empower students and teachers to become more ambitious with their school commitments in tackling the climate emergency.

We’d love to get every school in the UK talking about the climate and ecological emergency and what action they are taking at a time when World Leaders should have been doing the same.

In bringing together young people from across the UK who are committed to taking action, the Youth Climate Summit will demonstrate how critical the climate emergency is to young people, and send a clear message about the expectations they have of the world leaders that represent them.


Who can take part in the Youth Climate Summit?

Teachers and young people – whether in schools, groups or independently – are welcome to join the Youth Climate Summit. The Youth Climate Summit will support and connect young people across the UK to come together to take action on issues they care about.

How will the Youth Climate Summit work?

The Youth Climate Summit will run over five days, from 9-13th November 2020, with participants joining online.

Created in collaboration with teachers and young people, each day will focus on a different theme, with morning, afternoon and after school sessions (film screenings and teacher CPD), as well as fringe activities provided by schools, youth-led organisations, community groups, NGOs, experts and thought leaders.

Each day will have its own set of pledges for schools to make.


Find out more


170: Thoughts on UK lockdown no. 2 and more

On this episode Mark talks about the UK going into lockdown and how recent events have impacted Education on Fire.

What we can do to support ourselves and each other.

Plans for the future.

If you would like to support our GoFundMe campaign to create a valuable resource for our children based on the wisdom of our inspiring guests please click below.

Show Sponsor

The National Association for Primary Education speaks for young children and all who live and work with them. This includes parents, teachers, governors and all those interested in primary education. Get their FREE professional journal at

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