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Posts by Mark Taylor

169: Make the Grade with Dr. Steven Greene

Dr Steven Greene – the Success Doctor – is a life long educator, best selling author of “Maximum Education”, host of the mAke the grAde podcast, and online success community facilitator.

His mission and focus are simple: to provide actions so his students can maximize their education.

In 1997, he founded mAke the grAde Academic Services, which has provided educational consulting and tutoring services to over 13 000 students and their families and counting.

5 Key Structures of Learning Success

  1. Physical – where do you work
  2. Time – How do you schedule your studies
  3. Academic – Know what to study
  4. Accountability – Who is on the path with you
  5. Support – Where do you go if you need help

Resources Mentioned

Mr. Holland’s Opus

Social Media Information (success community) (resource community) (personal)

If you would like to support our GoFundMe campaign to create a valuable resource for our children based on the wisdom of our inspiring guests please click below?

Show Sponsor

The National Association for Primary Education speaks for young children and all who live and work with them. This includes parents, teachers, governors and all those interested in primary education. Get their FREE professional journal at

168: Pandemic Pods

I discuss pandemic pods and how they can support you during this current Coronavirus outbreak.

Pandemic pods can take a number of forms, including:

  1. Parents swapping care for each other’s children, most likely rotating the children between houses, with less of a specific focus on learning (perhaps for younger children)
  2. Hiring an online tutor to coach a group of students primarily online
  3. Hiring a caregiver to work with the children in-person to make sure they stay on track with school-provided curriculum
  4. Either swapping care or hire a caregiver to focus on aspects of learning that aren’t traditionally covered in school (e.g. interest-led learning, explicitly anti-racist, anti-patriarchal learning, etc.)

Jen Lumanlan, a previous guest from episode 68 has put together resources to help you navigate this new world of learning.

Jen Lumanlan holds an M.S. in Psychology (Child Development) and an M.Ed., and hosts the Your Parenting Mojo podcast which is a reference guide for parents of toddlers and preschoolers based on scientific researchers and the principles of respectful parenting. In each episode she examines a topic related to parenting and child development from all sides to help parents understand how to make decisions about raising their children. She lives in California with her husband and daughter.

Social Media Information

@YourParentingMojo (IG, FB)

If you want to support our GoFundMe campaign to create a valuable resource for our children based on the wisdom of our inspiring guests please click below?

Show Sponsor

The National Association for Primary Education speaks for young children and all who live and work with them. This includes parents, teachers, governors and all those interested in primary education. Get their FREE professional journal at

167: Standout Movement with John Walsh

John Walsh is a best-selling author, speaker, coach, mentor and business advisor with a passion for helping students, young professionals, new executives and emerging businesses accelerate their potential and rise from “just starting” to standing out. As the President and CEO of StandoutX, LLC, he and his team work with other experts around the world to inspire and develop the next generation of high-performers, leaders and difference makers in business and in life.

Before becoming the leader of the standout movement, John spent 20+ years as a successful Finance and Strategy executive with The Walt Disney Company and The Madison Square Garden Company. He continues to be an active member on the Board of Directors for Disney’s employee credit union.

John has completed multiple marathons including last year’s race in New York City and he lives in Central Florida with his wife and three children.

Key takeaways

When having important conversations or an interview remember:

  • What do you want them to think?
  • What do you want them to do?
  • How do you want them to feel?

While we can’t control life, there are 3 things we can control that really support us:

  1. What we choose to do
  2. What we choose not to do
  3. How we choose to respond

Social Media Information


Instagram: johnwalsh_standout

Facebook: John Walsh – Standout Movement

Twitter: JohnWalsh – Standout (@johnwstandout)

Want to support our GoFundMe campaign to create a valuable resource for our children based on the wisdom of our inspiring guests?

Show Sponsor

The National Association for Primary Education speaks for young children and all who live and work with them. This includes parents, teachers, governors and all those interested in primary education. Get their FREE professional journal at

166: Productivity tools for teachers

Martine Ellis shares her top productivity tools for teachers and explains how using them can support your wellbeing.

Martine is the voice of The Teaching Space podcast; a podcast for teachers and trainers who want to love their jobs and be amazing teachers WITHOUT taking work home evenings and weekends.

By day, Martine is the Professional Development and Scholarly Activity Lead the Guernsey College of Further Education. She also manages the College’s teacher and assessor training provision.

Twitter @MartineGuernsey

Tools Mentioned

  1. Notion
  2. Google Calendar
  3. Drafts
  4. Spark email

To find out more about how Education on Fire is utilising the knowledge shared in the podcasts to support children’s learning please visit:

Show Sponsor

The National Association for Primary Education speaks for young children and all who live and work with them. This includes parents, teachers, governors and all those interested in primary education. Get their FREE professional journal at

Podcasts into books for children

The education system is broken and many young people are disillusioned with school. However, it is still an important part of our children’s future. So, how do we support them to be creative, inspired and passionate about learning so they can fulfil their potential?

School is important because you need qualifications to access higher education and jobs. BUT, it is only part of the learning tapestry.

Some other key areas that support learning and growth include understanding:

– Mentorship
– Masterminds
– Empathy, Kindness & Gratitude
– Being of service to people
– Communities
– Expert advice
– Recommended resources
– Online learning
– Your family & friends

As I watched our 3 children progress through school, I wanted to help change the dialogue about the essence of learning. I created the Education on Fire Podcast  and started interviewing people about their educational experience, what important advice they had been given, what advice they would give their younger self, and what resources had opened their eyes to a world of possibilities.

The stories of how these people are living life on their terms is fascinating. There seem to be common threads based around being yourself and following your passion and intuition,  alongside an awareness of how to utilise the key areas of understanding mentioned above.

I have now interviewed over 250 people on my podcast, and I would like to compile some of these stories and the wealth of information shared, to create a book for children aged 11+.

I believe it has the power to change lives and children’s perspective about learning. I want to demonstrate that we all have more control of our lives than we think, and once we have this knowledge, the world is our oyster.

So let us join together as parents and educators to give our children what they need to thrive, be happysuccessful and self assured.

Change the disillusionment to excitement, clarity and positive intention!

To create this book I need to cover these costs:

– Transcriptions – £2500
– Editor – £3100
– Designer – £1200
– Formating – £1250
– Media/marketing – £2750

Total – £10,800


I would like to start creating this book as soon as possible. I would like to make it available for teachers to give to their pupils as an end of year gift in July 2021.

I believe this goal is achievable if I have all the funds in place by December 31st 2020.

I wish more of this type of learning was taught in schools, and I believe in a child focused education. I believe in it so much that I am vice chair of National Association for Primary Education.  The political wheels turn slowly however, and our children need support and encouragement NOW!

 My Story

I was lucky enough to find my passion at an early age. I am now a professional percussionist and music educator, having attended Trinity College of Music, and  had the opportunity to perform with many world class orchestras and organisations.  English National Ballet, Royal Shakespeare Company and Productions in London’s West End to name just a few.


I have experienced first hand how the ‘learning tapestry’ created opportunities for me, and showed me the next step to take in both my life and career.

Examples of guest expertise to be included in the book.

– Student Breakthrough Coaching
– Kids Coding
– Online music tuition
– Power of Positive Transformation
– Software entrepreneur
– Executive Function
– Mentoring
– Selling/marketing
– Yoga
– Speed Reading and memory skills
– Teachers & Educators
– Authors
– Speakers
– Financial Education
– Wellbeing & Mental Health

Case Study

Podcast Ep 123
Guest –  Vondale Eugene Singleton Sr. was born on the Southside of Chicago. After overcoming the death of his mother due to crack-cocaine, an incarcerated father throughout high-school, and the negative influences of the Ida B. Wells Housing projects he beat the odds becoming a first-generation college student earning his Bachelors of Science Degree in Elementary Education and his Master’s Degree in Marital and Family Therapy from Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, OK.

Vondale is a teacher, educator and creator of

C.H.A.M.P.S. Male Mentoring Program is a ​​Mentor Illinois Gold Star Award Program based in Chicago, IL.  We offer a culturally relevant approach to developing the mindsets of African-American and Latinx young men ages 12 and up. C.H.A.M.P.S. stand for Culturally Helping And Making Positive Success.  We focus on the 3E’s; Education, Empowerment, and Exposure.

How did Vondale create his life given his experiences as a child?

He credits his mentor, Steven Robertson as the person who invested sacrificially his time and resources to help him become the man he is today.

The best advice Vondale was given was by his mentor – ‘The same thing I did for you do the same for somebody else. Eg Pay it forward

What advice would he give his younger self?
Not to allow the tragedies of your past to make your future seem unattainable.

What resources would you recommend?
The Bible
Believe to Achieve by Howard H White
Eric Thomas – Podcast

You can listen to the whole podcast here. It explains how even given the most desperate of situations you can become anything you desire – a force for good. Working with a mentor, studying hard, immersing yourself in learning materials of all forms can change your life. But you need to understand the mindset, hear the life stories and commit to YOU.

This is only the beginning. Imagine a world where children were not turned off from education, but constantly surprised and excited about what they could experience. Imagine a child’s life being transformed by receiving this book when life seems unclear. Imagine a selection of resources from podcasts, YouTube videos, books and a community of people able to mentor, support and guide young people as they become adults.

Every journey starts with the first step. So please join me in creating this book as the next step to support the next generation to fulfil their potential.

‘Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.’
William Butler Yeats

Podcast Reviews

”Education on Fire is an incredibly important podcast exploring the breadth of voices in the education space today.  Enlightening, thought-provoking and expansive, Mark Taylor is a consummate host who brings the heart of the matter to the fore.” – Jeanie Davies author of The Trust Revolution in Schools

“Inspiring, Uplifting and Practical
I love this podcast- Mark does a brilliant job of gently challenging the education status quo, and in so doing he reveals some of the most innovative, creative and inspiring approaches to education.” – Lisa Avery

”Makes me a better mother –
I’m not a teacher in traditional senses, but I am a mother of 2 children who I am called to raise and train up in this world. I’m a firm believer that I am also their teacher, but without knowledge/training would get frustrated trying to teach my kids. I came to this podcast to get help and to better teach my children and I’ve been seeing amazing results using these strategies. Thank you so much for making me a better mom, will continue to listen!” – Noelbrianna

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