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Posts by Mark Taylor

152: Yoginis Yoga Training with Susan Hartley

Yoginis Yoga – Specialists in children’s well-being and mental health online and onsite training for teachers and childcare providers.

Susan Hartley was one of the first children‘s yoga teachers in England having trained with ‘Yoga Bugs’ before they became famous on ‘Dragons Den’. After several years teaching their storytelling based yoga programme in schools and nurseries, she found it exhausting constantly coming up with new stories and also found that this approach didn’t suit all children. Ever entrepreneurial she soon started to develop her own teaching methods and created the “Kind Hearts, Kind Words, Kind Thoughts” promise the Yoginis Yoga Programme is based around today. Susan adds “This is how we co-regulate with the children. They connect with the promise and take it outside the yoga circle and begin to use it to self-regulate. Spreading kindness is key to happiness and so this is an essential part of our mission“.

Susan engaged with educators and began to study neuroscience and brain development, liaising with researchers in these areas specifically concerned with early years and found that children learn best through routine, structure and repetition in a fun, non-threatening environment and that the first seven years of life are crucial in determining the adults we become. She used this knowledge to move away from teaching yoga as a purely physical activity which was entertaining to children to actually using these ancient techniques to enhance children’s learning and to embed healthy habits and breathing and mindfulness techniques as skills for life.

Teaching in this new way proved to be successful and she soon became known locally as ‘Yoga Sue’!

Literally thousands of children have benefited from what has now become the core Yoginis Yoga programme over the years, both in mainstream and special needs settings. As people increasingly began to notice the effectiveness of this unique programme, more and more settings wanted to book sessions, but Sue couldn’t be everywhere and one day someone asked if she could teach teachers how to deliver these sessions, and the idea for Yoginis Yoga Training was born.

The majority of children‘s yoga programmes work by training yoga teachers or those with a general interest in yoga, but Yoginis Yoga are different, they believe that educators are best placed to deliver their grab and go programmes as they know the needs of the children and the yoga programmes can be used as full sessions and as part of school day and as such they specialise in children’s mental health and wellbeing training for educators of children aged 2-11.


Show Sponsor

The National Association for Primary Education speaks for young children and all who live and work with them. This includes parents, teachers, governors and all those interested in primary education. NAPE is a non-political charity and works tirelessly to support teachers in the classroom. NAPE leads the Primary Umbrella Group of thirty primary subject associations and unions and gives teachers and schools a voice at governmental level at consultative meetings with ministers for schools.

For full details of how they can support you please visit their website at


151: Don’t take time for granted with Dr. Mark T Wade

Dr. Mark T Wade joined me on the Learning on Fire podcast and explored the most important learning and educational moments that shaped his life. This bonus episode shares some insightful understanding of what is important in life.

As someone who is very successful it was wonderful hear that the advice he remembers and lives by today:

  1. Don’t take time for granted’
  2. ‘Appreciate the small moments’ 

The advice he would you give his younger self:

‘You can do and be whatever you want as long as you love it and are committed.’

Dr. Mark T Wade having 2 doctorates went from a brick & mortar clinic to online multi-million dollar education business in the health space.

He has created a top rated podcast, a sold out mastermind for entrepreneurs featuring the likes of John Lee Dumas, Pat Flynn, Lewis Howes & Jeff Walker, & a one of a kind SAAS company called Virtual Summits Software.

With his brand Dr. Mark helps entrepreneurs scale their side hustles with a technique called the One-Day Summit Formula. The same strategy he used to build that multi million-dollar business in the health space. (Still a success today: American Posture Institute).

It’s one of the top list building techniques available & it even works for beginners and brick & mortar businesses.

Dr. Mark has expert insights on going from side hustle to success, losing a million dollar business – the lessons learned, but his most popular message for most audiences come from the list building strategy that has helped thousands kick start, launch & grow their businesses.

Questions asked on the Podcast:

  1. Who are you?
  2. What does your life look like now and how is it different from when you were growing up?
  3. What was valuable about your school experience?
  4. Which teachers do you remember and why?
  5. Who did you admire when you were young?
  6. What was it about that person that had such an impact?
  7. What was the best piece of advice you have ever been given and who gave it to you?
  8. What advice would you give your younger self?
  9. What does your future look like?
  10. What podcast, book, video, film, song or other resource has had the biggest impact on your life and why?


Resources Mentioned 

Good to Great – Jim Collins

The Dip – Seth Godin


Contact Information

Hustle & Scale Facebook Page:

API Facebook Page:

Facebook Group:



‘Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire’

Teacher training in England and Wales with Dr. Jane Dorrian – NAPE 050

‘Teacher training in England and Wales – The potential impact of curriculum 2022 on QTS’ was an article written by Dr. Jane Dorrian for NAPE’s professional journal – Primary First.

On this podcast we discuss the themes of this article in more depth.

Jane worked as a Year 5/6 primary teacher in south Wales before specialising in early years. She then became an LEA Advisory Teacher and during this time she completed her doctorate which explored the professional identify of early years practitioners. She joined University of Wales, Newport as a lecturer in 2005 and moved to Cardiff Metropolitan University in 2012. During this time she taught on Childhood Studies and Teacher Education programmes as well as undertaking research. She is currently a Staff Tutor in the School of Education, Childhood and Sport at the Open University.

Twitter @DrJaneDorrian

For more information about the Wales curriculum

The National Association for Primary Education speaks for young children and all who live and work with them. This includes parents, teachers, governors and all those interested in primary education. NAPE is a non-political charity and works tirelessly to support teachers in the classroom. NAPE leads the Primary Umbrella Group of thirty primary subject associations and unions and gives teachers and schools a voice at governmental level at consultative meetings with ministers for schools.

For full details of how they can support you please visit their website at


150: Why no child is behind because of coronavirus

In this solo show Mark shares his thoughts and experience of what learning has really meant during lockdown.

It seems amazing that governments are declaring children need to catchup with missed work. How can there be no allowance for the world shutting down? Why does life have to look the same as before?

Surely if nothing else recent events have shown us all that life has to reflect what is happening to and for us?

You wouldn’t expect someone to run a race with a broken leg you would reframe the expectations and goals. Let’s take this opportunity to do the same for education.

If you want to get involved with the conversation sign up to our email list and join the Education on Fire Private Facebook Group.

Show Sponsor 

The National Association for Primary Education speaks for young children and all who live and work with them. This includes parents, teachers, governors and all those interested in primary education. NAPE is a non-political charity and works tirelessly to support teachers in the classroom. NAPE leads the Primary Umbrella Group of thirty primary subject associations and unions and gives teachers and schools a voice at governmental level at consultative meetings with ministers for schools.

For full details of how they can support you please visit their website at

149: Imagen with Cat Agostinho and Jay Richards

Imagen gives the opportunity for agencies and brands to collaborate with Gen Z

Imagen is a Gen Z startup based in Shoreditch, East London. Their mission is to help Gen Z to shape their future. They enable agencies and brands collaborate with Gen Z for brutally honest insights about branding, marketing or products. No more guessing, they crowdsource the best feedback, ideas and insights from their Gen Z consultant community to enables agencies and brands to build all of the above with Gen Z in the room!

Agencies and brands choose a business challenge they’re facing that they believe Gen Z can help to solve.

Whether it’s the need to sense check a marketing campaign, create a new product for Gen Z or to develop an entire brand aimed at this generation.

Imagen crowdsources the best feedback, ideas and insights from their Gen Z consultant community to solve this business challenge and enables those consultants to collaborate with the agencies and brands senior leadership team to co-create the solution.

Imagen Co-founder and CEO, Jay Richards is the 5th of 6 children from migrant parents. From a rebellious start while at school to now the Founder of Imagen and a Forbes 30under30 entrepreneur, he credits his Business Studies teacher at school for guiding his sense of entrepreneurship in the right direction at the right time and now aims to provide opportunities for Gen Z to shape their future.

Cat Agostinho is Co-founder and COO of Imagen. Cat has been a supporter and promoter of talent throughout her career and also founded dawn in 2009 – a community dedicated to inspiring and developing women’s careers both personally & professionally. Cat was listed as an IPA Women of Tomorrow Finalist 2018 and a contributing member to the Conscious Advertising Network (CAN).

“Imagen is our way of tipping the balance, of helping the underestimated to solve the problems that others are missing and bring true diversity of thought into the rooms that need it.

Enabling agencies and brands to access our phenomenal Gen Z consultant community is game changing, our consultants get the amazing opportunity to work side by side with some unbelievably talented experts!” – Jay Richards, Imagen Founder

How I built this podcast

‘Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire’

Show Sponsor 

The National Association for Primary Education speaks for young children and all who live and work with them. This includes parents, teachers, governors and all those interested in primary education. NAPE is a non-political charity and works tirelessly to support teachers in the classroom. NAPE leads the Primary Umbrella Group of thirty primary subject associations and unions and gives teachers and schools a voice at governmental level at consultative meetings with ministers for schools.

For full details of how they can support you please visit their website at

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