Posts by Mark Taylor
122: Fan the Flames
We continue our journey in creating an Education on Fire community. On todays show Mark gives details of how he will share the wisdom from the Learning on Fire Podcast as we start to merge both shows.
We continue our journey in creating an Education on Fire community.
On todays show I give details of how I will share the wisdom from the Learning on Fire Podcast as we start to merge both shows.
Our focus is joining together to support children to live their best authentic lives. Understanding who we are and how we see the world around us is very important.
Therefore surrounding ourselves with people who can be a positive influence is very important and yet we must realise that schools are part of a system that – like it or hate it – can be less than positive for many children who have to be part of it.
Navigating this and being true to ourselves is the key to the future of a thriving planet.
‘Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire’.
Join us around the campfire and help guide Education on Fire to positively affect the way children feel about life, learning and their future.
The Social Growth of Young Children – NAPE 044
Welcome to National Association for Primary Education podcast. On todays show you will hear the latest news including our new YouTube Channel and a chapter from our book Christian Schiller – In His Own Words’, read by Peter Cansell – NAPE Information Officer
Christian was appointed HMI in 1924 and then followed a long period of work with the schools in Liverpool where his contact with poor children and their families was a deeply formative experience. He became District Inspector and later filled this role in Worcestershire. In 1946 he became Staff Inspector for Primary Education and his influence, often in partnership with his friend Robin Tanner, HMI. Both strongly felt that as elementary schools developed into primary schools, they should have a distinctive child- centred approach. That approach means teachers drawing on children’s innate creativity so recognising the powerful learning that emerges from direct experience.
‘Christian Schiller in his own words’ was published by the Association from 1979. This invaluable book is still available price £5.00 from the National Office. The book and all its wisdom about teaching young children and how we can help them to learn should find a place on every teacher’s bookshelf.
Links to the book and YouTube Channel can be found directly from our website
The National Association for Primary Education speaks for young children and all who live and work with them. This includes parents, teachers, governors and all those interested in primary education. NAPE is a non-political charity and works tirelessly to support teachers in the classroom. NAPE leads the Primary Umbrella Group of thirty primary subject associations and unions and gives teachers and schools a voice at governmental level at consultative meetings with ministers for schools.
121: A New Spark
Mark explains how this is the dawn of a new era for Education on Fire. We are going to build and connect a community of firelighters who support children to live an authentic life using their talents and passion.
‘Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire’.
Join us around the campfire and help guide Education on Fire to positively affect the way children feel about life, learning and their future.
Thank you and Merry Christmas – NAPE 043
Thank you so much for listening during 2019. Have a very Merry Christmas and we look forward to continuing our journey in 2020.
Thank you and Merry Christmas. LF055
Thank you so much for listening during 2019. Have a very Merry Christmas and we look forward to continuing our journey in 2020.