Posts by Mark Taylor
Life on the Front Row with Jon Vroman. LF051
Jon Vroman joins me on the Learning on Fire podcast and explores the most important learning and educational moments that shaped his life.
Jon helps others be “Moment Makers”. He is married to his gorgeous and free-spirited wife Tatyana and father of two energetic and playful boys, Tiger and Ocean, and live in Austin, Texas.
Jon is the founder of the Front Row Foundation, a charity established in 2005 that creates unforgettable moments for individuals who are braving life-threatening illnesses. They provide a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to “live life in the front row™” by granting “front row moments” to live events of their recipients dreams.
He’s also the founder of a global network of men at They believe in being “Family men with businesses, not businessmen with families.” He’s host of the top-rated Front Row Dads podcasts, where Jon interviews experts and every-day dads from around the world, to extract and understand the rituals, routines and habits that help every man better serve their families and communities.
As the author of #1 bestselling book The Front Row Factor, Jon helps readers “Learn about living life, from those fighting for it.”
Questions asked on the Learning on Fire Podcast Interview
1. Who are you?
2. What does your life look like now and how is it different from when you were growing up?
3. What was valuable about your school experience?
4. Which teachers do you remember and why?
5. Who did you admire when you were young?
6. What was it about that person that had such an impact?
7. What was the best piece of advice you have ever been given and who gave it to you?
8. What advice would you give your younger self?
9. What does your future look like?
10. What podcast, book, video, film, song or other resource has had the biggest impact on your life and why?
Resource mentioned
Primary Music on Fire Introduction #website
Primary Music on Fire Introduction #website
115: Wellbeing season finale
Host Mark Taylor provides a brief recap of the episodes and subjects covered in this wellbeing season.
He shares his thoughts on the subject of wellbeing in schools and what is coming up in the next few weeks.
- Primary Music Specials and his membership site.
- How the Education on Fire Podcast Network community is coming together to support children’s learning beyond the school system. Watch this space!
To catch up with anything you may have missed in this season start at episode 106.
Other seasons include
- English/Literacy
- Computing
- Music and the Arts
- PE
- What do the children think?
- and more
Everything you need is at
Show Sponsor
The National Association for Primary Education speaks for young children and all who live and work with them. This includes parents, teachers, governors and all those interested in primary education. NAPE is a non-political charity and works tirelessly to support teachers in the classroom as expressed in their ‘Value of Membership’ Document. NAPE leads the Primary Umbrella Group of thirty primary subject associations and unions and gives teachers and schools a voice at governmental level at consultative meetings with ministers for schools.
For full details of how they can support you please visit their website at
A Fire Lighting Learning Community. LF050
Mark explains his ideas about starting an Education on Fire Community. A group of people to lead the creation of important learning content that we can gift to our children.
Handwriting with Jeremy Rowe – NAPE 041
The National Association for Primary Education are planning new handwriting workshops for primary schools. Mark Taylor talks to Jeremy Rowe about his vast experience in education and what to expect from the handwriting workshops.
Handwriting is in the National Curriculum – is it an anachronism like 12x table? – or an important skill?
It could be considered important for aesthetic reasons – visually pleasing; a rewarding skill, developing fine motor control, and leading to a strong personal style’. It’s also an art form.
Quote Buzz Aldrin “No dream is too high (2108) “In this day of text messages, email and social media communications, if you really want to make an impression on someone, write a handwritten note of thanks or encouragement.”
More important is the significant contribution to development of thinking skills. We have enough years of using keyboards, so we can now compare. Neuroscientists and psychologists are beginning to raise questions about whether handwriting has unique value. Children who learn to write by hand well, learn to read quicker, retain information better, and generate ideas easier.
Scientists have long suspected the link between handwriting and memory, thought processes, creativity; handwriting boots neural activity in sectors of the brain associated with creativity; writing things down using a pen and paper has long been a trick to help spark the memory.
“How can I tell what I think if I cannot see what I say?” (E M Forster essay “Aspects of the Novel”, written just after he’d finish Passage to India 1924).
Recent research in cognitive psychology and neuroscience: looking at how we learn:
- Brain scanning has demonstrated that handwriting activities help preschoolers learn their letters.
- Writing by hand is indispensible for helping children develop a brain that reads with proficiency.
- Handwriting is a key component in improving both spelling ability and written composition.
- Grey matter volume and density correlates with higher handwriting quality, signalling more efficient neural processing.
- Writing is better for the brain than keyboarding.
Professor Jane Medwell (leading academic in field of handwriting) says, “Handwriting is vital. Children who write by hand are better connected to their work and more engaged in learning.”
Joyce Rankin (USA State Board for Education) “There are direct links between developing good handwriting skills at an early age and academic achievement in both literacy and numeracy as children progress though their schooling; brain imaging has actually found that handwriting activites the brain more than keyboarding because it involves more complex motor and cognitive skills.”
By handwriting something to learn it, research says it helps to ‘etch it into the memory’.
Handwriting is a complex skill engaging cognitive, perceptual and motor skills simultaneously.
Early years are especially crucial. Once children have formed counterproductive habits, they can be difficult to change. Ten or fifteen minutes daily will pay off. Start with large movements in the air to learn letter shapes; progress to patterns; families of letter; manuscript (letters not joined) then cursive (joined)
It must be taught carefully – “illegible handwriting can have a serious impact on a child’s self-esteem” (Lyceum School brochure)
Professor Virginia Berniger, Univ ersity of Washington investigated children in Years 2, 4 and 6. She found that they wrote more words faster and expressed more ideas when writing by hand than with a keyboard. Handwritten documents provide thoughts recorded at the speed of handwriting, a visual record of thinking, and reflective concentration (ability to think whilst writing).
The primary school is responsible – it’s very hard to change habits after about year 4, but continued practise in years 5/6 is essential to develop speed, fluency and the beginnings of a personal style.
Early years games and patterns start to ball rolling (but fine motor skills are possible only when the children is ready). Little and often – 10 minutes at the beginning of the day.
The NAPE workshops will start with a review of current research, but will be mainly focussed on technique from early years to year six.
Marion Richardson (1935) joined writing halfway between italic and copperplate (This is what Jeremy was taught in the 1950’s!)
Italic, first introduce in 1952
Basic Modern hand (Christopher Jarman 1979):
- No loops, flourishes or conceits
- Writing is logical and economical
- Legible
- Good for beginners who will later develop personal style
Develop lower case first (more easy to read than capitals); correct grip of pencil or pen; dealing with left-handers; there are many practical aspects of teaching handwriting which will be part of the workshops.
Website www.write sponsored by Berol and Papermate, with excellent articles by Jane Medwell and others, and very good resources.
Jeremy D Rowe
September 2019