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Posts by Mark Taylor

113: 5 Steps to wellbeing with Ashley Manuel. Replay

The Growing With Gratitude Program by Ashley Manuel aims to help teachers, students and families easily develop the habits of gratitude, kindness and mindfulness that have been identified as the stepping stones to greater happiness and success.

Teaching children these skills as early as possible in their journey helps them develop greater resilience, builds their emotional and physical wellbeing, and promotes positive thoughts and habits.

The program is based around learning the Five Habits of Happiness, and can be completed by children in every primary year level with their teachers or with their parents at home.

Teacher Training Webinar: The 5-Steps To Implementing GratitudeInto The Culture Of Your School And Classroom Starting Today…


Innovation School with David Miller. LF049

David Miller joins me on the Learning on Fire podcast and explores the most important learning and educational moments that shaped his life.

Our guest – David Miller





David Miller is Director of the Innovation School at Kelvinside Academy. David has had a long career in education and in 2008 was the recipient of the Guardian Award for UK Teacher of the Year. In the same year, he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of the Arts and made a National Teaching Fellow of the UK Teaching Awards.

Since 2008, David has been a consultant with BBC Learning and a Judge for the UK Teaching Awards, the Scottish Education Awards, for the Institute of Ideas – Debating Matters. David is a Visiting Fellow on the Masters in Teaching and Learning for Edgehill University, and a Visiting Tutor to postgraduate students of Glasgow University’s Faculty of Education.

David has been a Lead Researcher on an EU Lifelong Learning Programme looking at Digital Storytelling and the use of emerging technologies in the English Classroom.

In 2012, David was head-hunted to act as Chief Learning Architect for a Kuato Studios, building educational games that utilised next generation Artificial Intelligence. The games went on to win a number of international accolades, including a special mention at President Obama’s final Science Fair in 2016.

In, 2018, David became Director of the Innovation School at Kelvinside – a unique partnership with NuVu in Cambridge, Massachusetts.


Questions asked on the Learning on Fire Podcast Interview

1. Who are you?
2. What does your life look like now and how is it different from when you were growing up?
3. What was valuable about your school experience?
4. Which teachers do you remember and why?
5. Who did you admire when you were young?
6. What was it about that person that had such an impact?
7. What was the best piece of advice you have ever been given and who gave it to you?
8. What advice would you give your younger self?
9. What does your future look like?
10. What podcast, book, video, film, song or other resource has had the biggest impact on your life and why?




Social media information 

Twitter: @davidmiller_uk


Resources mentioned

Sparky’s Magic Piano

Lord of the Flies – William Golding

The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock – T.S Eliot


Instruments from the percussion box

In this series of videos Mark Taylor from Primary Music on Fire demonstrates how to play the percussion instruments from the percussion trolley.

Mark combines his professional performing career with teaching drums, percussion instruments and whole group rhythm workshops. With 25 years experience there is something to take away for everyone.


Primary Music on Fire –

Taking the fear out of teaching music, by giving you the step by step skills and ongoing support you need, to produce lifelong musical memories for you, your school and your pupils.

To find out more about Mark and Primary Music on Fire please click below:


Show Sponsor







The National Association for Primary Education speaks for young children and all who live and work with them. This includes parents, teachers, governors and all those interested in primary education. NAPE is a non-political charity and works tirelessly to support teachers in the classroom as expressed in their ‘Value of Membership’ Document. NAPE leads the Primary Umbrella Group of thirty primary subject associations and unions and gives teachers and schools a voice at governmental level at consultative meetings with ministers for schools.

For full details of how they can support you please visit their website at

112: Happy Teachers and Conscious Schools

Season 7 ‘Wellbeing’ continues on the Education on Fire Podcast.

Helen Pengelly – Happy Teachers & Conscious Schools

Happy Teachers was founded by Helen Pengelly in 2015. Her mission is to enable all school leaders, teachers and pupils to shine their inner light out into the world. However too many teachers are overwhelmed, stressed and burned out. They are struggling with ever increasing workloads and trying to balance their work and home life. 82% of teachers say their school does not do enough to help them with their wellbeing (according to a TES survey in 2017). As a result more teachers are leaving the profession for good or are going off sick with stress-related illnesses. The financial cost for schools is huge when they have to pay for supply cover and extortionate recruitment fees.






When Helen was in primary school she was top of the class. She went to a grammar school where she was also in the top sets. So why for much of her adult life was she a massive underachiever?

She dropped out of university at 19, struggled to secure a well-paid job, was in an abusive marriage and lost her house.

In her fifties the penny dropped. Trauma. She had an unusual illness as a child for which she was shamed and bullied. She was afraid to speak out and to follow her heart so she became a people pleaser.

In her early career she worked as a bookkeeper and started to train as an accountant. In the 1990s she lived abroad and worked as an EFL teacher. She went back to university in her 30s and qualified as a maths teacher in 2002.


Helen was one of the 40% of teachers who leave in the first 5 years. The reasons were complex – being a single mum to 3 young boys, illness, lack of fulfillment, being bullied, being stuck in a classroom that only looked out on a brick wall to name but a few.

After she left she ran a business selling gluten free food for 5 years then returned to teaching in 2010. This time her experience was very different. Why? In the meantime she had learned to meditate. She had realised that no one else was responsible for her happiness and whatever had happened in the past did not define her future.

She wondered why she had never been taught this in her teacher training and in 2010 set an intention to help teachers with their personal growth and development. She qualified as a leadership coach in 2014 and was a pioneer in the school wellbeing movement. Now she helps headteachers and teachers gain balance in their lives and take back their power.

Her long term vision is to work with more headteachers to create a network of conscious schools and end the cycle of shame.

Do you have a wellbeing policy or don’t you even know where to start? Are you getting into a panic about staff wellbeing and making more work which defeats the object? You can’t think your way out of this dilemma the solution is easier than you think.


Contact Helen today to see how she can help you.




 Social Media

Twitter @consciouschools

Facebook Group – Conscious Teachers

YouTube – Happy Teachers


Show Sponsor







The National Association for Primary Education speaks for young children and all who live and work with them. This includes parents, teachers, governors and all those interested in primary education. NAPE is a non-political charity and works tirelessly to support teachers in the classroom as expressed in their ‘Value of Membership’ Document. NAPE leads the Primary Umbrella Group of thirty primary subject associations and unions and gives teachers and schools a voice at governmental level at consultative meetings with ministers for schools.

For full details of how they can support you please visit their website at


Social Media Networking with Tim Lewis. LF048

Tim Lewis joins me on the Learning on Fire podcast and explores the most important learning and educational moments that shaped his life.

Our guest – Tim Lewis










Tim Lewis is a former IT manager who, after the death of his wife, decided to try and become a successful author, writing time travel and then later fantasy books. In his efforts to try and work out how to sell books online, he became fascinated by using social media for business and to improve your life. He runs the Begin Self-Publishing podcast and in his #1 Amazon Bestselling book Social Media Networking he explores how to use social media to build connections to get ahead in your career, personal life and business.








Questions asked on the Learning on Fire Podcast Interview

1. Who are you?
2. What does your life look like now and how is it different from when you were growing up?
3. What was valuable about your school experience?
4. Which teachers do you remember and why?
5. Who did you admire when you were young?
6. What was it about that person that had such an impact?
7. What was the best piece of advice you have ever been given and who gave it to you?
8. What advice would you give your younger self?
9. What does your future look like?
10. What podcast, book, video, film, song or other resource has had the biggest impact on your life and why?




Social media information 

Twitter/Instagram: @Stonehampress


Resources mentioned

Write Publish Repeat – Sean Platt


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