Posts by Mark Taylor
Welcome to the new year 2019/20 – NAPE 037
The National Association for Primary Education launches the NAPE podcast for the new academic year.
We talk about some of the highlights from our first 36 episodes and give a few insights into what is coming next.
If you are new to NAPE here is some background.
The National Association for Primary Education speaks for young children and all who live and work with them. This includes parents, teachers, governors and all those interested in primary education. NAPE is a non-political charity and works tirelessly to support teachers in the classroom as expressed in their ‘Value of Membership’ Document. NAPE leads the Primary Umbrella Group of thirty primary subject associations and unions and gives teachers and schools a voice at governmental level at consultative meetings with ministers for schools.
For full details of how they can support you please visit their website at
This show is part of the Education on Fire Podcast Network
Music lesson plan ideas for 2019/20
Carol and Mark share some ideas of how they plan their music lessons over the year. This includes how they include teaching musical elements and how it fits within seasons and school events.
FREE Beginner Ukulele Lesson
In this video we recap the songs we covered in our 4 day ukulele challenge and add a new one.
We also talk about our Christmas Ukulele plans!
Music Lesson Plans 2019/20 #website
Music Lesson Plans 2019/20 #website
Live ukulele lesson #blog #website
Live ukulele lesson #blog #website