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Posts by Mark Taylor

Festival of Voices 2019 – NAPE 035

As a non-political charity the National Association for Primary Education (NAPE) does some incredible work to support children live their best lives from birth to 13.

Nothing epitomises this more than their Festival of Voices concert series that has been in existence for 36 years. This event at Dorchester Abbey brings around 240 school children together to perform in a beautiful venue with a live band. Not only do they do this once but due to the demand they now produce 6 concerts in one week during June.

NAPE is run by volunteers and it is a credit to their enthusiasm and dedication that such a concert series is possible.

Over the 36 years of Festival of Voices, the regional event at Dorchester Abbey – run by the Oxfordshire branch of NAPE – has been expanded to include a national concert at venues such as Wembley Conference in London and Symphony Hall in Birmingham.

This year to celebrate the 36 years of success we decided to create a behind the scenes podcast and video so you could see and hear from those involved.

The culmination of a children’s choir, supportive teachers and an audience of proud, passionate families makes for something quite special.

If you would like to see what an ‘on location’ podcast looks like to record please watch the video on the NAPE website.















The National Association for Primary Education speaks for young children and all who live and work with them. This includes parents, teachers, governors and all those interested in primary education. NAPE is a non-political charity and works tirelessly to support teachers in the classroom as expressed in their ‘Value of Membership’ Document. NAPE leads the Primary Umbrella Group of thirty primary subject associations and unions and gives teachers and schools a voice at governmental level at consultative meetings with ministers for schools.

For full details of how they can support you please visit their website at

104: Hands-on teaching aids from Rhythmically Yours

The Primary Music Specials continue this week with Kelly Parish from Rhythmically Yours. We discuss how Kodály supports her teaching and what she sells on her Etsy store.

Kelly Parrish is an elementary music educator in the DFW area of Texas who graduated from Stephen F. Austin with a Bachelor’s of Music and a Piano Pedagogy certificate. She is also the mom of a teenager who keeps her on her toes!

Kelly has been teaching for over 17 years and enjoy collaborating and sharing ideas with those around her. She received her Kodály certification in 2004 and loves seeing her students’ music literacy grow daily.

Kelly opened her Rhythmically Yours Etsy store in late 2015 where she offers hands-on teaching aids for the elementary music classroom as well as music-themed novelty items.








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The National Association for Primary Education speaks for young children and all who live and work with them. This includes parents, teachers, governors and all those interested in primary education. NAPE is a non-political charity and works tirelessly to support teachers in the classroom as expressed in their ‘Value of Membership’ Document. NAPE leads the Primary Umbrella Group of thirty primary subject associations and unions and gives teachers and schools a voice at governmental level at consultative meetings with ministers for schools.

For full details of how they can support you please visit their website at

Our guests top 5 resources. LF040

On the Learning on Fire Podcast this week, host Mark Taylor takes you through the top 5 resources as recommended by his guests.

These resources have been recommended multiple times and have a personal link to Mark.

They are:

  1. How to win friends and influence people – Dale Carnegie
  2. The Power of Now – Eckhart Tolle
  3. Entrepreneurs on Fire Podcast – John Lee Dumas
  4. Smart Passive Income Podcast – Pat Flynn
  5. Flipped Lifestyle Podcast – Shane and Jocelyn Sams


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The National Association for Primary Education speaks for young children and all who live and work with them. This includes parents, teachers, governors and all those interested in primary education. NAPE is a non-political charity and works tirelessly to support teachers in the classroom as expressed in their ‘Value of Membership’ Document. NAPE leads the Primary Umbrella Group of thirty primary subject associations and unions and gives teachers and schools a voice at governmental level at consultative meetings with ministers for schools.

For full details of how they can support you please visit their website at

More Than A Score – NAPE 034

Mark Taylor talks to NAPE Information Officer Peter Cansell about their support for More Than A Score, a growing coalition of parents, teachers, heads and education experts, working together to call for change in the government’s over-testing regime.

Children are More Than A Score

Primary school is a time for self-discovery, building confidence and nourishing potential. But primary school children in England are being let down by a system that cares more about measurement than their education.

Our system is obsessed with league tables, turning children into data points and denying them a broad, stimulating education at key stages in their development. It puts an unnecessary burden on children, parents and teachers alike.

Heads, parents and governors can unite and demonstrate their opposition to a system saturated with high-pressure testing by signing and displaying our Pledge.










The National Association for Primary Education speaks for young children and all who live and work with them. This includes parents, teachers, governors and all those interested in primary education. NAPE is a non-political charity and works tirelessly to support teachers in the classroom as expressed in their ‘Value of Membership’ Document. NAPE leads the Primary Umbrella Group of thirty primary subject associations and unions and gives teachers and schools a voice at governmental level at consultative meetings with ministers for schools.

For full details of how they can support you please visit their website at



103: Beat Goes On with Ollie Tunmer

Continuing our Primary Music on Fire specials I catch up with Ollie Tunmer about how the Beat Goes On is developing.

This includes body percussion with literacy, samba drumming and collaborations with organisations such as Charanga.







You can get in touch with Ollie at

and follow on twitter @beatgoesonuk


You can listen to his previous episode here

043: Ollie Tunmer – Beat Goes On

Show Sponsor







The National Association for Primary Education speaks for young children and all who live and work with them. This includes parents, teachers, governors and all those interested in primary education. NAPE is a non-political charity and works tirelessly to support teachers in the classroom as expressed in their ‘Value of Membership’ Document. NAPE leads the Primary Umbrella Group of thirty primary subject associations and unions and gives teachers and schools a voice at governmental level at consultative meetings with ministers for schools.

For full details of how they can support you please visit their website at

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