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Posts by Mark Taylor

092: Mr Hunt from the Front

Simon (Mr Hunt from the Front) recently shot to international stardom as the dance floss teacher, although he does teach from time to time! He recently won the Manchester Evening News School Awards in the ‘Inspirational Teacher of the Year’ category. Simon is an SLE and Year 4 teacher at Tottington Primary School. He has also taught in Reception, Year 3 and 6 in his teaching career so far. Through his work on poetry, he has spoken at the Superpod6 conference in Seattle USA alongside the cast and crew of the documentary Blackfish and help change EU parliamentary Law! He also loves using technology to enhance the teaching and learning and shares his thoughts and ideas on his Facebook page @mrhuntsideas. This February, he was a guest on the BBC Live lesson expert panel, talking about literacy in primary education.

Mr Hunt from the Front.


Simon Hunt

Facebook= @mrhuntsideas
Twitter= @simonjameshunt




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National Association for Primary Education

Our aim is to achieve a higher priority for the education of children from birth to 13. High quality learning in the early years of life is vitally important to the creation of an educated society. Young children are not simply preparing for the future, they are living a never to be repeated time of life and the best way to learn is to live.


We have some FREE English & literacy resources for you to download please click the link below to find out more.


091: EducationCity

Haylie Taylor has 13 years’ experience in teaching, 10 of these in primary education. She is passionate about helping other teachers with their day-to-day jobs and ensuring students’ success. She is driven by her passion to continually develop instructional techniques in the classroom and has experience working with children of many ages and abilities.


Haylie now works for EducationCity who are passionate about providing engaging, educational resources and games for students aged 3-12 years, as well as time-saving tools that support teachers in the classroom and at home.

Twitter: @EducationCity


Show sponsor







National Association for Primary Education

Our aim is to achieve a higher priority for the education of children from birth to 13. High quality learning in the early years of life is vitally important to the creation of an educated society. Young children are not simply preparing for the future, they are living a never to be repeated time of life and the best way to learn is to live.


We have some FREE English & literacy resources for you to download please click the link below to find out more.


The Writing Prompts Pack

To celebrate our English & Literacy season have generously given you the opportunity to download some of their wonderful resources for FREE. During each week of this season I will add a new resource for you to use in your class.

This week:

Surprising Situations Posters.

40 photos of surprising situations that can be used as a start for writing.


To download the pack please click the link below.

Surprising Situations Posters


Mark Warner from Teaching Packs has given Education on Fire a coupon code for you to join their membership of Teaching Packs Plus for just £19.50.

Please click below for details.


What is the best advice you have been given ‘3’? LF030

On todays episode we take the question ‘What is the best piece of advice you have ever been given and who gave it to you?’ and hear the answers from guests 20-27.

For information about the guests start at LF020 and follow until LF027. If in doubt use the search bar in the menu tab.

Running a successful company aged 24 with Zach Hesterberg. LF020

Sit back and enjoy the wisdom that has literally changed the lives of the people you hear.

Questions asked on the Learning on Fire Podcast Interview

1. Who are you?
2. What does your life look like now and how is it different from when you were growing up?
3. What was valuable about your school experience?
4. Which teachers do you remember and why?
5. Who did you admire when you were young?
6. What was it about that person that had such an impact?
7. What was the best piece of advice you have ever been given and who gave it to you?
8. What advice would you give your younger self?
9. What does your future look like?
10. What podcast, book, video, film, song or other resource has had the biggest impact on your life and why?


Show Sponsor

National Association for Primary Education

Our aim is to achieve a higher priority for the education of children from birth to 13. High quality learning in the early years of life is vitally important to the creation of an educated society. Young children are not simply preparing for the future, they are living a never to be repeated time of life and the best way to learn is to live.

Take a break – NAPE 023

Here are the details for the Christian Schiller Lecture 2019.

We are taking a 2 week break for the Easter Holidays but will be back and revitalised in the summer term.

Remember to subscribe to the podcast on your favourite app or platform and to keep up to date with all the content sign up to the Education on Fire newsletter.


To find out more information about the Primary Music on Fire Membership Site click the link below. It is currently the cheapest price it will ever be available at so jump in now and find out more!

Primary Music on Fire

I would like to say a big thank you to NAPE for their support and sponsorship. It is because of them that Education on Fire can bring you so much FREE content and build this wonderful community, so please do join the newsletter on the link above to get all the inspiration you can.



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