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Primary Resources English

Primary Resources English

Improve your children’s report writing skills with our complete teaching resource pack! This includes printable posters, examples of reports, writing checklists, activity resources and eye-catching display materials!

To celebrate our English & Literacy season have generously given you the opportunity to download some of their wonderful resources for FREE. During each week of this season I will add a new resource for you to use in your class.

This week:









To download the pack please click the link below.

The report writing pack


Mark Warner from Teaching Packs has given Education on Fire a coupon code for you to join their membership of Teaching Packs Plus for just £19.50.

Please click below for details.


Thank you and keep inspiring,


Creator/Host Education On Fire Podcast Network

Word of the Day



To celebrate our English & Literacy season have generously given you the opportunity to download some of their wonderful resources for FREE. During each week of this season I will add a new resource for you to use in your class.

This week:





Introduce a new word to your class every day with our ‘word of the day’ posters. Share the posters on your interactive whiteboard or use them on a classroom display. Can you challenge your children to use today’s word in their writing? 125 words are included.


To download the pack please click the link below.

The Wonderful Words Pack


Mark Warner from Teaching Packs has given Education on Fire a coupon code for you to join their membership of Teaching Packs Plus for just £19.50.

Please click below for details.


Thank you and keep inspiring,


Creator/Host Education On Fire Podcast Network

Teresa Cremin – NAPE Annual Schiller Lecture 29th April

National Association for Primary Education in collaboration with the School of Education, Oxford Brookes University, present the Annual Schiller Lecture


READING FOR PLEASURE: developing readers for life

The lecture will explore the cognitive, social and emotional benefits of reading and in particular will focus on how, when teachers share their reading lives and books in common with children, new and closer relationships develop reader to reader and human to human.




The 4th Ultimate Wellbeing in Education Conference
















The 4th Ultimate Wellbeing in Education Conference with Damian Hinds MP.

This landmark event will explore ways in which both student wellbeing and staff wellbeing can be improved in schools, colleges and universities.


Through discussions and advice from a range of leading wellbeing and education experts attendees will leave with a thorough understanding of the need for wellbeing education and practical ideas on how to implement it in their schools.


Great networking opportunities will exist with IPEN members and senior leaders and teachers involved in the implementation and day to day management of wellbeing within their schools and universities.


Join us for this one-day event hosted by Sir Anthony Seldon (Vice Chancellor of the University of Buckingham, President of IPEN, and co-founder of Action for Happiness) the event will begin with a keynote address by the Secretary of State for Education, Damian Hinds MP.


It will be of value to anyone with an interest in education, but particularly for those in the education sector or working with young people:


  • Wellbeing Officers and Directors
  • Pastoral staff
  • Head Teachers
  • Deputy Heads
  • Teachers & lecturers
  • Boarding staff including Heads of House
  • Bursars and HR Managers
  • Tutors
  • Heads of Year
  • Governors



Damian Hinds MP will start the 4th Ultimate Wellbeing in Education Conference in association with IPEN and the University of Buckingham speaking about his plans to introduce wellbeing into all schools from primary upwards.


The day will then explore the importance of student and staff wellbeing and offer ideas on how it can be improved. It will also allow for networking opportunities with members of the IPEN network, other wellbeing leads, senior leaders and teachers.


Joining Mr Hinds in a day hosted by Sir Anthony Seldon, will be Prof. Russell Foster, Rachel Kelly, Lorraine Thomas, Mike Buchanan and other key mental health, wellbeing, and education experts.


Tower of London

A short video from my recent visit to the Tower of London while recording a podcast for the National Association for Primary Education.

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