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The Role of Podcasts in Education Marketing

The Role of Podcasts in Education Marketing BETT 2022 EdTech Talks


I was very kindly asked by ViewSonic to take part in their BETT Show EdTech Talks 2022 discussing podcasting in education. The recording is available for you to watch here.

Listen to my Education on Fire podcast interview with Peter Claxton – Ep 226: Digital transformation of education to find out more about how they are supporting schools.

Peter Claxton is Senior Director EdTech Solutions at ViewSonic.

Cherishing the growth of young children: what early years education can be

The NAPE Christian Schiller Lecture 2022 with Nancy Stewart.

Nancy Stewart is a consultant and writer with wide experience across early years sectors in schools, nurseries, local authority advisory service, and National Strategies where she was Senior Early Years Adviser with a central role in Every Child a Talker. Nancy provided expert advice to the 2012 review of the Early Years Foundation Stage, drawing on her interest in communication and language for thinking, as well as children’s development as self-regulating learners. Nancy co-authored Development Matters 2012, and wrote How children learn – The characteristics of effective early learning. She led development of Birth to Five Matters (2021) as Project Lead for the Early Years Coalition, and is a Vice President of Early Education.

NEW DATE for Bett, Learnit & Hosted Leaders Programme 2022 – 23-25 March   

NEW DATE for Bett, Learnit & Hosted Leaders Programme 2022 – 23-25 March   


Following the rapid escalation of Omicron cases across the UK and around the world, we have taken the decision to postpone Learnit, Bett and our Hosted Leaders Programme. The new dates for the event are 23-25 March 2022, and will still take place at the ExCeL London. 


Our commitment to ensuring the wellbeing of our community necessitated the shift and we considered feedback from many of our community, including participants on the Hosted programme, and our speakers and attendees, as well as the impact of changing travel restrictions globally. 


Holding our events in-person at the end of March presents an important opportunity for the education and technology community to come together to learn, trade and network and to look positively to the future of teaching and learning. 

Special Educational Needs CPD

I will be hosting an online zoom CPD focusing on 3 areas of Special Educational Needs to help you support your pupils:

– English as an Additional Language (EAL)
– How to identify children who may also have dyslexia or another SPLD
– Common speech, language and communication needs

Co-occurring challenges

Do you ever worry that a child in your class is not making the progress you were expecting? There may be many reasons for this – and some will overlap.  In this interactive session, we will look at some of the causes of underachievement, and try to find some solutions that could benefit the whole class.

We will start by looking at how all teachers can effectively support those learners who are using English as an Additional Language (EAL), and then move on to what we should be alert to in order to identify any children who also may have dyslexia or another SPLD. Finally, we will look at some common speech, language and communication needs, and how they could be met in the classroom.

Please feel free to bring your questions and share your experiences, so that, as a group, we can empower each other to support our learners.



Mark Taylor (Vice Chair NAPE) – Mark has been a professional percussionist for 25 years and performed with some of the major orchestras and arts organisations in the UK. Mark combines his performing career with teaching drums/percussion in schools and providing whole class rhythm workshops.

Mark is the creator and host of the Education on Fire podcast. He interviews educators from around the world so that he can enable his listeners to support children to live, learn and grow to their full potential. He has recorded over 300 episodes which have been downloaded in over 135 countries.


Dr. Anne Margaret Smith started her career as a teacher of English as a foreign / additional language around 30 years ago. Alongside her language teaching, she also works as a dyslexia assessor and specialist tutor, and has designed an assessment tool to allow us to identify SpLDs in multilingual people. She founded ELT well in 2005, to combine these two fields of education, and offers professional development and resources to language teachers in all contexts. She is currently also training to be a Speech and Language Therapist.


Date & Time

Monday 6th December 2021 4:30 PM – 5:30 PM (UTC+00)

If you can not join us live a replay will be available.


Event Fee

£12.50 per person

FREE to NAPE members (use promotional code at checkout)

For more information and to book please visit

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