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6 Online CPD Events in 2021/22

Following the success of the National Association for Primary Education online conference in March 2021 ‘Towards a balanced and broadly based curriculum’ NAPE have planned 6 new online CPD events for the new academic year.

  • 5 starting points for Primary Music
  • Special Education Needs
  • EdTech
  • EYFS
  • Mental Health/Wellbeing
  • Climate & Ocean Plastic

To find out more Listen here 

My new audio course is live on Listenable

I’m so excited to let you know my new audio course ’10 Pieces of Advice You’d Like to Have as a Child’ has been published on Listenable.

Listenable is just like an audio version of Netflix. You pay a small monthly fee and get access to hundreds of courses in a variety of categories.

I was thrilled when I was asked to create a course for them and being an audio platform I loved the similarities with the podcast world.

My course has twelve, 3-4 min lessons and it shares some of the best advice I have heard from guests on the podcast.

In order to hit the ground running I have a favour to ask.

Could you please spare 3.07 mins to listen to the first lesson of the course (it is absolutely FREE) so the platform can get some immediate listening traction which will help promote the course to their subscribers.

As with so much online content it is all about algorithms and the more people who listen in the first few days the better.

There is no expectation to sign up (unless you want to) and you can press play and listen straight from the website.

You can find it by using my direct link This is also the best way to share it with anyone you think might be interested in knowing more about Listenable.

Thank you in advance if you can spare 3.07 mins of your time to support me and press play.

Keep inspiring,


PS The link again is

The Executive Function Online Summit 2021

How TEFOS Benefits You?

Dear Compassionate and Proactive Parents,

If your child struggles with Executive Function, in other words, if they don’t get important stuff done, because of things like procrastination, not getting started, not following through, disorganization, not paying attention, overwhelm, being unprepared, forgetful, late, unmotivated, TEFOS is for YOU.


TEFOS, or The Executive Function Online Summit, is a game-changer for parents and other concerned adults because you get practical tools that help. It features leading experts in Executive Function, parenting, learning differences, neurodiversity, anxiety, giftedness, 2e twice-exceptional learners, emotional regulation & social challenges.

If you take this seriously and immerse yourself in the weekend, you will absolutely benefit tremendously. Dive deep into core strategies you can implement right away to help your child have a brighter future. Sign up for our free, heart-centered, 3-day immersion weekend, Aug 20-22, with experts who “get” your outside-the-box child.

Sign up for FREE at

Seth Perler was a guest on Ep 158.

NB: I am an affiliate for the TEFOS Summit.

Online Children’s Book Festival – June 26th and 27th 2021

A FREE CHILDREN’S BOOK FESTIVAL is being hosted by Independent Thinking this June.

This special event grew out of our recent podcast guest Ian Gilbert finding himself on a Zoom coffee morning chat with a wide range of authors, all brought together by Sue Atkins, TV’s celebrated ‘parenting coach’.

Post-lockdown, it is even more vital to help children develop their reading skills – and that all-important love of reading. So, they felt that bringing these wonderful authors together and giving each one 20 minutes to share their book, read a short extract and explain what drove them to write would be a really useful and enjoyable thing to do.

So that’s what they’re doing.

Simply check out all the great titles below and follow the links to reserve your free front-row seats. You can come to as many as you like.

And thank you for sharing this page with other educators, parents, librarians and anyone who has an interest in wonderful books for children.

Full details at

Teach Active to launch the UK’s largest active learning day

As part of the Youth Sport Trust’s National School Sport Week (19-25th June 2021), Teach Active is set to host the largest active learning day for schools on Wednesday 23rd June.

Jon Smedley from Teach Active was my guest on episode 182 of the Education on Fire podcast .

On this day, English and maths lessons in primary schools around the country will be transformed into active lessons where children move around the classroom and have fun while they learn. Activities include setting up multiplication stations, and pupils must run to each station to pick up a multiplication problem card to solve, aiming to complete the whole course in less than 30 minutes. In another lesson, children play at being punctuation police. They march around, noting down punctuation errors written out on cards around the class or playground.

Jon Smedley, a former teacher and founder of Teach Active, said: “After a year of so much inactivity, we want to use the day to show that being active is not just about PE and sports but reducing the amount of time we spend sitting down overall.

“Any primary school can join in and see the benefits of active learning. It helps children engage with lessons, learn more effectively and improves their overall mental health by having fun with their classmates.”

Ali Oliver MBE, chief executive officer at the Youth Sport Trust, said: “We’re delighted Teach Active are supporting this year’s National School Sport Week.

“Young people have missed out on so much and had their worlds turned upside down by the pandemic. It is brilliant that Teach Active are helping more young people benefit from the important role physical activity has to play in their recovery.”

To help teachers prepare, Teach Active will provide 50 free active English and maths lesson plans for pupils from foundation stage through to year 6.

All schools who download the lesson plans and pledge to take part on social media with the hashtag #ActiveLearningDay2021 will have the chance to win £100 Decathlon vouchers to spend on school sports equipment. The top prize of a school visit from one of the Youth Sport Trust’s athlete ambassadors will be on offer for the school that posts the best video of their active learning day on Twitter with the hashtag #ActiveLearningDay2021.

The largest active learning day lesson plans are free to download to all schools here:

Schools can register to take part in the Youth Sport Trust’s National School Sport Week by visiting

#ActiveLearningDay2021 @TeachActive #NSSW2021 @YouthSportTrust

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