Curriculum recovery from Coronavirus lockdown

Virtual Conference – Monday 8th March 2021, 4.15pm-6.45pm
The Conference, embracing a theme which has always been central to debate about children’s entitlements, has been highlighted by OfSTED as critical in curriculum development and its central importance has been further accentuated by the pressures under which primary schools are working in the post-lockdown phase as they prioritise what is perceived as essential in educational recovery.
The impact of the coronavirus pandemic on children’s education may be perceived as a justification for narrowing the curriculum at the expense of the arts and the humanities, but this conference will explore the case for preserving young children’s entitlement to as rich and diverse a curriculum as possible. Dr. Eaude’s keynote lecture will set the scene, highlighting some key issues and considering some lessons to be learnt from the period of lockdown. The subsequent presentations will focus on classroom practice, providing a spotlight on innovations which have been implemented in school and offering guidance for the future.
All are most welcome at this event, including teachers, teacher assistants, governors and students and it’s our hope that the conference will play its part in bringing together a range of stakeholders in primary education, all with a commitment to enhancing children’s entitlement to a balanced and broadly-based curriculum.
SCHEDULE: 4.15PM – 6.45PM
4.15pm – Welcome followed by
Keynote lecture – Dr Tony Eaude
Why a balanced and broadly-based curriculum matters – particularly for young children and those from disadvantaged backgrounds
Dr. Eaude has published widely on a range of educational topics extending from pedagogy in the classroom to children’s moral, social and cultural development, earning himself the reputation as one of the most articulate and enlightened voices in the primary sector. His most recent book (2020), Identity, Culture and Belonging: Educating Young Children for a Changing World, characteristically draws on his wealth of teaching experience in the primary school, including headship and his insights into the changing contexts for schooling and children’s development.
5.15pm – Presentations A & B (Attendees will be ask to choose A or B when booking)
A. Social action in the Primary School – Naheeda Maharasingham, Head of Rathfern Primary School, Lewisham
B. Developing a curriculum as rich in humanity as in knowledge – Tina Farr, Head of St Ebbe’s Primary School, Oxford
6.00pm – Presentations C &D (Attendees will be ask to choose C or D when booking)
C. Beyond teaching – experiencing the humanities – Rachel Ford, Head of Bannockburn Primary School, Royal Borough of Greenwich
D. Exploring History through the local – Alison Hales, Senior Lecturer in Education, University of Greenwich
6.40pm – Concluding remarks
Zoom Online Event – Monday 8th March 2021, 4.15pm-6.45pm
CONFERENCE FEE – Includes Keynote Lecture and 2 Presentations.
£10 per individual or £50 for 5 or more staff members from a school.
FREE for students
To find out more and book click