I'm Mark Taylor and I interview educators from around the world so that I can enable you to support your children to live, learn and grow to their full potential
Latest Podcast Episodes
The Hidden Crisis in Foster Care: Advocating for Educational Equity
Sharon Dunlevy is an educational advocate for children in foster care. It is her mission to bring the educational needs of children in foster care to the attention of those who can change policies and practices that would give more children in foster care the ability to succeed educationally, the foundation for their ability to…
Read MoreThe Transformative Power of Neuroplasticity in Education with Arrowsmith
What is Neuroplasticity? Neuroscientists used to think that our brain was fixed and unchangeable from birth. It was believed that our intellectual capacity was fixed – the brain with which we were born, was the brain we had for life. We now know that the brain is a highly active and malleable organ across a person’s…
Read MoreThe Future of Education: Rethinking Traditional Methods
The discourse surrounding the transformative potential of education is vividly illustrated through the explorations presented in the recent series of Education on Fire. Each episode immerses the listener in the innovative methodologies employed by a myriad of educators who ardently advocate for systemic change as well as individual empowerment. The concept of backward design, championed…
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20 resources you can use to support learning
As discussed by guests on the podcast these include:
Mental Health, Wellbeing, Empathy, STEM, Maths, Spelling, Coaching, ELT & SpLD, PE, Parent Engagement, Teacher Observations, Productivity Tools
Get your FREE pdf NOW!
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."
Nelson Mandela
"Inspiring, Uplifting and Practical
I love this podcast- Mark does a brilliant job of gently challenging the education status quo, and in so doing he reveals some of the most innovative, creative and inspiring approaches to education."
Lisa Avery
Most Recent Blog Posts
Edutech Show 6-7 October 2017 London Olympia
Edutech Show 2017 Curriculum centred exhibition launched for UK Teachers at Olympia, London. NAPE are pleased to support this upcoming conference and the Education on Fire podcast will be there getting all the behind the scenes information for its Life Long Learning listeners. Edutech show is set to launch this autumn at Olympia, London on 6-7…
Read MoreArnav Sharma – 100 Finalists in the 2016-17 Paradigm Challenge
Arnav Sharma my guest from episode 26 has a new project that he would like you to take a look at and support. He is one of 100 Finalists in the 2016-17 Paradigm Challenge If you are inspired and want to help please vote and encourage this remarkable young man to even more greatness. Full…
Read MoreFinland Education Success
What is the secret to Finland’s successful education system?
Read MoreEducation on Fire sponsor
National Association for Primary Education
Our aim is to achieve a higher priority for the education of children from birth to 13. High quality learning in the early years of life is vitally important to the creation of an educated society. Young children are not simply preparing for the future, they are living a never to be repeated time of life and the best way to learn is to live.