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177: How to improve teacher observations with Craig Randall

By Mark Taylor | December 7, 2020 |

The teacher observation evaluation process is supposed to improve teaching and learning, but research makes it clear that it doesn’t. In fact, it creates fear, which stifles teacher innovation and risk-taking.Today I chat with Craig Randall about how ‘Trust-Based Observations’ changes that. Using emotional intelligence to build trusting relationships.Focusing on strengths.Eliminating evaluative grading of pedagogy.Using a…

176: Closing the maths attainment gap with Third Space Learning

By Mark Taylor | November 30, 2020 |

Third Space Learning was founded in 2013 with the goal of making one-to-one tuition accessible to children in need.  Closing the maths attainment gap with one to one teaching. Personalised online maths lessons from specialist tutors. Over three quarters or English Primary schools are signed up to the Third Space Platform, and the company has delivered over 800,000…

Bringing STEM to life through real-world engineering – NAPE 056

By Mark Taylor | November 29, 2020 |

Dr Hilary Leevers, Chief Executive at EngineeringUK talks to Mark Taylor about Neon. Neon brings together the UK’s best engineering experiences and inspiring careers resources to help teachers bring STEM to life with real-world examples of engineering.  Finding engaging activities to show where engineering is used in the real world can take time. So, we…

175: Your feedback please to help shape our future

By Mark Taylor | November 23, 2020 |

Today I am asking for you help and support to shape the future of Education on Fire. Do you prefer the interviews, solo shows or a combination of both? Let me know where you listen, from the 131 countries that have downloaded the podcast. Are you a teacher or parent? What content will support you?…

EdTech – Covid and beyond with Al Kingsley – NAPE 055

By Mark Taylor | November 21, 2020 |

EdTech has been central to our lives in education during the current pandemic. Today I chat to Al Kinglsey and explore how our old and current thinking can support us in planning a strategy for the future of your school. Al Kingsley (MD of NetSupport) has been a school governor for the last 15 years…

174: What was the best advice you have ever been given? Ep 3

By Mark Taylor | November 20, 2020 |

On todays bonus episode we take the question ‘What is the best piece of advice you have ever been given and who gave it to you?’ and hear the answers from guests 20-27 released on the Learning on Fire podcast. You can listen to the whole podcast collection by clicking below. Sit back and…

173: Personalised learning for children who struggle – why not everyone?

By Mark Taylor | November 16, 2020 |

On this solo episode Mark talks about how education can be transformed by understanding relationships and creating personalised learning for everyone! If you would like to support our GoFundMe campaign to create a valuable resource for our children based on the wisdom of our inspiring guests please click below. Show Sponsor The National Association…

Eco Schools with Edd Moore – Nape 054

By Mark Taylor | November 14, 2020 |

Please welcome our new National Council member Edd Moore. Edd is a teacher and Eco Coordinator at Damers First School, Dorchester, Dorset. Edd has built up the eco work at Damers over the last 8 years from a blank canvas. Under his leadership, achieved the Eco Schools Green Flag three times in 2016, 2018, 2020,…

172: What was the best piece of advice you have ever been given? Ep 2

By Mark Taylor | November 13, 2020 |

What do you think is the most important advice you could give your children so they can grow up to be the best version of themselves? This bonus episode is a compilation of responses to that question from my guests 10-19 who appeared on the Learning on Fire Podcast. This podcast had some wonderful conversations…

171: Dyslexia awareness and how technology can help

By Mark Taylor | November 9, 2020 |

Aimee Cave is a current practising SENDCO in East Yorkshire with sustained experience of creating good provision in her school, including orchestrating the school becoming the first ADHD friendly school in Yorkshire. She also runs her own SEND Consultancy business. Aimee has completed her NASENCO Award, is an Accredited Attachment Lead and has been trained…

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